Is the opticalCON powerMONITOR a fiber optic power meter?
The powerMONITOR is more than that. It is able to monitor fiber optic attenuation of up to 4 channels simultaneously even while being on air. The cost effective design allows the widely use of the device in order to establish a comprehensive monitoring of all active fiber optic transmission channels.
Is on air troubleshooting possible with the powerMONITOR?
Yes, this is one of the most distinguishing features compared to an ordinary fiber optic power meter.
Can I save maintenance costs with help of the powerMONITOR?
Yes, you will! The powerMONITOR helps saving money, eliminating the need of fixed maintenance intervals.
It avoids needless cleaning and expensive measurements by reporting attenuation increase related to a fixed value.
Does the powerMONITOR simplify work with fiber optics for laymen?
The powerMONITOR allows defining attenuation thresholds. Attenuation values beyond a defined working range will lead to an alarm, indicating to non fiber specialist clearly that the cable has to be cleaned or that something else happened with the fiber optic transmission line.
Is a network based attenuation monitoring of all active transmission channels possible?
The hardware of the powerMONITOR is prepared to enable such a possibility. The corresponding software could be developed on request.