Advanced Navigation Flexibility
PRO2 incorporates new and innovative methods of channel and mix bay navigation: FLIP Navigation, FX Navigation, GEQ Navigation, and MCA Navigation. These four options allow an engineer to easily and efficiently mix a large number of inputs on a compact control surface. PRO2 also features the ability to display and control any output bus on the input control bay area. This navigation flexibility makes working with the console as simple as requirements dictate, or as deep and complex as a user desires. PRO2’s new output section, which features 24 direct bus selection switches that provide immediate access to up to 24 stereo pairs of output mix buses, also supports the new navigation modes.
When in FLIP navigation mode, and the FLIP button is engaged, selecting an output flips the input faders to become the input channel send levels to the selected output. If the Collapsed Flip (Hide Unassigned Channels) preference is ticked, then the console will only populate with the input channels that are assigned to the selected output, otherwise all channels will be displayed.
When the FX navigation button is engaged, selecting an output which is patched to an internal effects processor, this mode will deploy that effects processor on the display screen and map the ASSIGNABLE CONTROLS to the effects processor. If FADER FLIP is also engaged, the input channel faders will become the contributions to the effects processor. If COLLAPSED FLIP (Hide Unassigned Channels) preference is selected, the operator will only be presented with input channels that are sending to that effects processor.
When the GEQ navigation button is engaged, selecting an output which has a graphic equaliser (GEQ) assigned, this mode will present the GEQ on the VCA faders. Scrolling the VCA faders left and right will provide access to all 31 GEQ faders. If FADER FLIP is also engaged, the input channel faders will become the contributions to the selected mix. If COLLAPSED FLIP (Hide Unassigned Channels) preference is selected, the operator will only be presented with input channels which are sending to that mix.
If the MCA navigation button is engaged, when an output (mix) is selected, the MCA faders for that output will be deployed on the VCA fader bank. When MCA navigation is engaged, the MCA faders control the contributions of their members only to the currently selected bus. This is a unique and powerful mixing tool, which puts MIDAS in a class of its own for innovation and usability.